First Day of Preschool!
My little baby girl starts school today at Valley Park Preschool. Her teachers' names are Mrs. Grellner and Miss Lorraine. She has a cubby and a hook to hang her awesome personalized bookbag I got her. Claire was SO excited this morning. She got dressed, ate Lucky Charms (I would have made her a special breakfast, but that's what she picked out), brushed her teeth - no problem. I like this trend! Mike and I both went to drop her off. She went right in, put her bookbag away and started playing. Barely looked up when we gave her a hug and kiss goodbye. No crying! Now Mike and I almost shed a tear. I just can't believe I have a kid old enough to go to preschool! Wasn't she just my chubby-cheeke, little bald-headed baby? Grammy gets to pick her up this morning. I'm so jealous, I can't wait to talk to her tonight and find out how her first day went! You're a 'big girl' Claire 'Kella Lowder!
She is just so stinking cute!!!!!