Thursday, February 28, 2013

Choose Wisely

Pop Quiz! Can you identify the correct bottle for washing your laundry?? I'll wait...........................….................................................................................

Confession time! I've been using the blue bottle for like months now! According to Mike (aka smart pants) it's color safe bleach but NOWHERE on the package does it say so! I know the big red jug on the right is detergent but I thought the small blue bottle was ALSO detergent and I've been pouring it on every load I run. (I run like 1 load for Mikes every 10. I have way more underpants than he does obviously). Mike insisted that the clothes didn't get clean when I washed them and I just figured that was his way of volunteerism to do ALL of our laundry. But then we realized I was using the wrong stuff. I'm posting this picture because I encourage, no - implore- you to tell me which bottle you'd use on a load of colors. I'm not dummy enough to use the bleach - that's labeled by the way BLEACH. I thought I was using generic store range detergent. Am I crazy?


  1. I am just jealous that your husband does laundry!

  2. Ok but you did NOT answer the question. Is it because you pity my stupidity or envy the prowess of my domestic partner?
